What do you think will happen in 12/12/12?

Open Forum

2012. What do you think?


  1. The rapture is coming!!!
    Be ready.

  2. Ha ha what ever happens I doubt it will be the rapture lol planet Nibiru and the return of the Anunnaki is a far more likely scenario

    1. just read that site, doenst say much! bunch of b.s to me!

  3. I believe that there's going to be a world wide civil war and that the govmts. will destroy the world in a self defence move that goes wrong.People are getting fed up with politics interferring with life in general. I for one am locked and loaded!!!!!

    1. You are sounding a bit PARANOID!

    2. YEAH your fucking PARANOOID!

  4. Replies
    1. Really? I hope he/she is your neighbor not mine!

  5. I think some positive thing would happen related to God which would bring peace and harmony in the world.This would happen to teach lesson to those who have forgotten Humanity as i believe Best way to love God is to love Humans.God Bless us all!

    1. Well, doesn't that happen every moment? God bless you too!

  6. I pray December 21 , 2012 will be just like any other day ! But just in case I did some hoarding of food ,water , gas , and propane just in case ! If it is just another day I will be prepared for another or unexpected emergency ! God bless !

    1. I have this image of you sitting in a dark closet with a flash light turned on shinning on your face. You eyes are big and wide and your mouth is in this "on no" position. You have some beef jerky in your right hand, "just in case". It makes me laugh.

  7. we as humans cant predict anything only god knows what is going happen whether he is going to do something or not

    1. God exists outside of time so God knows and it has already happened. We exist in linear time and that is why we think there is a future.

    2. The time we measure is relative to our world.

  8. I don't think anything is going to happen its just a stories that they want to tell us its not going to happen at all for both days

    1. Well, somethings going happen. For example, a couple of people here are going to hide in their closets and hold on to guns. I think you and I will have another good laugh!

  9. Nothing bad better happen on 12/12/12! It's my birthday :(

    1. Happy Birthday kiddo, you will be fine. I promise.

    2. Happy birthday you mother fucker asshole!!

  10. shizuka.yasume@gmail.comDecember 10, 2012 at 12:30 PM

    I think all of you need to read your bible a little more closely. It clearly state,"NO MAN SHALL EVER KNOW THE DAY NOR TIME OF MY RETURN". Come on, so I guess you have had a verbal conversation with Jesus and he told you taht 12/21/12 or 12/12/12 was the day?...Come on. And for those of you who think the world will end, a little news for you too. READ YOUR BIBLE. The world will not end no way no how. The bible states that the lord will come back first to collect his children, then the 7 year tribulation will come. 3.5 years good and the last 3.5 years bad. So even if the lord would come back 12/12/12 or 12/21/12, the world still wont end. Ya'll bunch of hipped up ppl who just think you know it all by assumptions.

    1. More people will listen to your words if you express the truth with more humility. You sound sarcastic and angry. Jesus was angry in the temple with the "Den of thieves" other than that he was very loving, remember? What is a hyped up PP?

    2. let do something happy :) i wanna fuck you! :* uurgh!

  11. What if your birthday is on 12-12. Is that the end of me?

    1. No unless of course you party to hard and walk out in front of a bus. Have a happy birthday, keep safe and sober

  12. What if your birthday is on 12-12. Is that the end of me?

    1. John,
      get a grip I said no already. Have a happy birthday JJ!

    2. Hey john jerkins your a whore no believes you beside your asshole! muther fucker!

  13. i think it may be true or not true, we have not realised that the world is coming to an end by other means like wars, conflicts, terrorism etc... there is no humanity left in the world, natural calamities take place almost everyday and the world is become self centered. i think that all should give this a thought and make a difference one by one, all might not agree but some will surely do.
    the only thing i can say is PRAY TO GOD AND ASK FORGIVENESS FOR OUR SINS.

  14. There is no humanity left in the world? Really? I think you mean that you wish there was more compassion between people. Try to avoid extremes for better mental health.

  15. today is 12/12/12...

  16. IS it 12/12/12 Grenwich mean time, or EDT? or what?
    It has now passed 12:12,and 12:21 12 -12- 12 here in AUStralia...
    and Nothing has hap

  17. this is the time to f#ck all girls i want :)) who wants some ?

  18. Beyond 2012: Why the World Won't End.......NASA Scientists answer few questions on the this issue:

  19. really nw no one knows the end of the world so people shouldn't worry themselves

  20. Well, it is now 12-21-12, don't know what if anything will happen. Remember when the year 2000 was approaching? Everyone thouht the end was coming...what happened? Nothing..
