What do you think will happen in 12/12/12?


December 21 2012 THE END


  1. Great post! I love your blog! Here is a link to a website I found that has lots of information on it http://www.ufomystery2012.com it talks about ufo's, crop circles, planet x, the new world order, and has a ton of information on 2012 too.

  2. God is the only one that knows when the world will end......to anyone who believes this crap I'll keep u in prayer

  3. Seamie. Tomorrow looms. Doom or liberation? Have you purchased you personal and unique path to ascension. Freedom comes to those who seek and pay. The chosen ones. The winds blow strong. The weak shall fall. The new Dawn shatters the foolish heart and sings her song.
    Will you be in the ranks ????? Or is it another lecture hall for you in the school of life .......

    1. We can pay??? Quick send me the bank account details I need to secure my path :/

  4. Fucking bullshit mayans are fucking retards see u all 12-22-12

  5. We've begun the transformation a long time ago. Only now are we becoming aware of the ramifications. The transformation will continue as long as we desire the evolution.

  6. so shabby nothings gonna happen today, people want something to believe in, to be the one to get it right. But in reality no one will ever get it. It could happen a day from now or millions of years from now.
